It has been a full six years since the late night of November 20, 2007, when eRepublik Beta was launched. And they have also been six very full years. But we’re not here to talk about the past. Instead, we want to celebrate the present and talk about the future.

Anniversary Gifts in eRepublik

The celebration for the 6th Anniversary has already started on! Don’t worry about missing the start, it will last for the whole week. You can join in any time and receive 60% more Damage & Rank Points, 60% more Gold for every purchase and 6% more Strength. Read the rest of this entry »


Buna ziua, doamnelor si domnilor.
Astazi, cetatenii din tarile noastre s-au hotarat in ce directie va urma in luna curenta eRomania si eUcraina.

Personal, cred ca alegerii poporul eUcrainei si eRomaniei s-a terminat bine si va fi pentru state numai pas innainte!
Eu si toata Ucraina feliciteaza pe nou-ales Presedinte eRomaniei costin1989 cu victorie in ultima votare.Guvernul si poporul Ucrainean doreste pentru noua Conducere a Imperiul Roman multe victorii si realizariVa dorim prosperitate in toate domeniile vieții Statului, activitate ale jucatorii si sustinerea cat mai mult titlu “Imperiu”, pe care eRomania o merita ca un Stat puternic din tot eRepublik.
Ucraina spera la intalegere intre tarile noastre la nivel politic, economic si cultural. Personal, eu ca Ambasador eUcrainei in eRomania va face tot pentru sa fie relatii intre tarile noastre cat mai bune.

Traiasca Romania!
Traiasca Ucraina!

Imi pare rau, dar relariile intre tarile noastre in ultimul timp erau nu prea bune. Aceasta problema este despre greseli, care erau facute in urma. Eu stiu ca multi romani n-o mai uitat o fraza care era publicata intr-un articul oficial ucrainean. Cred ca toti o intales ca vorba merge de insulta “tigani”.
Astazi, eu vrau in numele Guvernul Ucrainean sa cer scuza pentru aceasta insulta. Personal, pentru mine tratamentul asta ma jigneste si imi pare bine ca Guvernul Ucrainean a deciz la scuze. Sper ca asta insulta va fi scuzata din partea romanilor!

Luand aceasta ocazie, as dori sa prezentez pentru tuturor e-romanilor nou-ales Presedinte Ucrainei – gudilka91
Guvernul Ucrainean puteti vedea aici.

La sfarsit, mai vreau sa informez tuturor pentru care relatii intre eUcr si eRo au semnificatie, poate intra in chat pe Rizon #colaborare_Ro/Ucr. Va astept acolo.

P.S. Astazi, acest articul va fi publicat in Gazeta oficiala a “MoFA” Ucrainei

Ne mai vedem :)

Cu stima,
Deputat Ministrul al Afacelor Externe Ucrainei,
Ambasador Ucrainei in Romania si Republica Moldova,


Доброго дня, шановні пані та панове.
Сьогодні громадяни наших країни визначилися, у якому напрямку наші держави будуть прямувати у поточному місяці.

Особисто я впевнений, що вибір українського та румунського народів був вірним і стане лише кроком уперед!
Я та вся Україна вітаємо новообраного Президента Румунії costin1989 із перемогою на останніх виборах.Український уряд та український народ бажає новообраному керівництву Румунії великих звершень та виконання всіх поставлених завдань. Зичимо процвітання у всіх сферах державного устрою, великої активності гравців та, звичайно, підтримання звання «Імперії», яку Румунія заслуговує, як одна із найсильніших країн Нового Світу.
Україна сподівається на подальше поліпшення відносин між нашими країнами на політичному, економічному та культурному рівні. Особисто я, в якості посла України до Румунії зроблю все від себе залежне аби взаємини між нашими державами були якомога ліпшими.

Слава Румунії!
Слава Україні!

На жаль, відносини між нашими країнами за останній рік були не найкращими і це пов’язано з минулими помилками, які були зроблені нашими попередниками. Я знаю, що більшість громадян Румунії не забула про фразу, яка була опублікована в одній із офіційних газет України. Всі вже зрозуміли, що мова йде про образу всього румунського народу, висловлюванням «цигани».
Сьогодні я хочу від імені всього Українського уряду вибачитись за таке ганебне висловлювання.Особисто мене це висловлювання ображає і я радий тому, що український уряд прийняв рішення щодо вибачень. Сподіваюсь, що це висловлювання буде пробачене румунами.

Користуючись нагодою, хочу поставити громадян Румунії до відома, що в Україні на вчорашніх президентських виборах переміг gudilka91. Зі складом українського уряду маєте можливість ознайомитися тут.

На останок, хочу також написати про те, що кожен, якому не байдужа доля українсько-румунських відносин, може завітати до каналу на Різоні #colaborare_Ro/Ucr. Я на вас там чекаю.

P.S. Сьогодні ця стаття буде опублікована у офіційній газеті МЗС України.

До нових зустрічей.

З повагою,
Заступник Міністра Закордонних Справ України,
Посол України до Румунії та Республіки Молдова

Scris de PutereMareMinistrul Afacelor Externe al eUcrainei si Ambasadorul eUcrainei in eRomania si in eRepublica Moldova.

Sursa: România e-Syogodennya

The interview with Clopoyaur is the first in the series. We plan to do more of them and give players a chance to tell their stories for the whole community.


 Tell us a bit about your eRepublik character: when did you start playing, what is your Military Unit, what are the achievements in game you are most proud of.

I play eRepublik for more than 5 years now under the name of Clopoyaur, proudly leading FSR (Fortele Speciale Romane), one of the top10 MUs of the world for more than 3 years. In real life I am a 34 years old guy from Maramures, Romania but living in Bucharest for the moment. My nickname comes from the hat people are wearing in my region, a small hat that is called “clop”.


Read the rest of this entry »

It seems that the era of peace is over. A new mega alliance appeared, risen from PEACE’s ashes and burning bright as the mythical Phoenix. This wind of change has brought the world to war, continent versus continent, country versus country, neighbor versus neighbor; invigorating the global economy. Ironically, the era of peace brought economical crises, while death and destruction have brought short term prosperity in certain countries. Will inflation and poverty replace this blood lust prosperity?

After this month’s presidential elections, the new national goals set countries and armies on the path of war. Presidents and army commanders array their forces and unleash them against their prey; some countries will rise and others might disappear from the map. The bold goals some countries have set (Romania to conquer Heilongjiang, Hungary to conquer half of Romania, USA to conquer London, etc.) have fueled the global war machine. Read the rest of this entry »

Dear citizens,

Yesterday a security vulnerability was discovered and exploited for a short while, before our engineers could fix it. By opening articles containing -comments, some citizens got their GOLD stolen and sent to some specific accounts.

The first measure was to “lock” the accounts receiving the GOLD, in order to prevent its spread across the world. Then, in a matter of hours we fixed the vulnerability to prevent this from ever happening again.
Read the rest of this entry »

We’re back

October 8, 2009

Dear citizens, We are as happy as you are to have the New World back online. As we have previously announced, the migration to a new cluster architecture has been scheduled for today. But in the world of informatics often things don’t work as planned. That’s why we have backups. What happens when your backups get corrupted? We got to find out the hard way! Huge corrupt data set (over 2 TB) combined with corrupt backups make for a long long day! Thankfully, our backups have backups, so our engineers managed to put everything back together. The New World is on the move again, but we would like to ask you to report any problems you might encounter, by submitting a ticket to our Report a Bug department. We’re watching and waiting to fix issues as they come in. Thank you for your support, The eRepublik Team

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Click for the STUDY III -> EDEN vs FORTIS vs PEACE vs AHA vs Sol vs Neutrals

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A chart representing the statistic’s result:



1. As you’ve probably expected, PEACE is still the MOST POWERFUL ALLIANCE in the New World with 431641,65 strength points
1.1. PEACE had a power decrease of 21493,829 Read the rest of this entry »

I will try to make a series of articles regarding the global state of gameplay in erepublik these days assesing all major aspects/modules of the game.


The economical module in republik is something i allways appreciated. It’s one of the most realistic economical modules ever implemented in an online game and hat off for that. Unfortuantlly like any other new product, after 2 years you can see some major drawbacks that can evolve into something better or be improved technically.

Here it goes. Read the rest of this entry »

In the past few weeks i learned to respect shadow and his work as SG, but there are some facts that are not quite objective.

First of all, ATLANTIS died not because of Romania, that is the biggest insult and lack of respect countries like UK and USA can show to allies. As i pointed out in previous articles, both UK and USA vented publicly that they are in search of new allies as Romania is now down, and doesn’t want to fight. The normal reaction would have been to give support to a friend in need, but USA and UK decided to act in their own interest and state they want to become neutral. Read the rest of this entry »

*I do not speak officially for anyone but me, especially not the Swedish government.*

The proposal by the American president Scrabman to establish peace with Sweden was rejected by the American Congress yesterday. By that simple action, USA have decided to betray Sweden, and we, Sweden have been allied with USA for a very long time, and I mean a very long time. We have over and over again proved our will to establish a healthy friendship with USA, and they’ve gladly accepted our good deeds, but when it comes to such a simple thing as helping us back, by doing absolutely nothing, by staying neutral, you can’t do it.

Is this the way to treat your allies, USA? Tell me. Read the rest of this entry »